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‘It’s about the money’ Horner on Andretti

‘It’s about the money’ Horner on Andretti


Thursday, January 26, 2023, 09:14

Christian Horner is concerned about the uneven distribution of prize money, so he will not be at all happy with the arrival of new teams. The Red Bull team principal has been candid about Andretti’s possible entry, but at the same time praises Audi’s current business model.

While Andretti Autosport could bring a really good name to the sport, many teams are against its entry, mainly because of money. Christian Horner did not deny this during his interview with the contestant, who expressed his opinion on the matter.

As is known, the Andretti family has been considering starting their own Formula 1 team for some time, but their plans have not received a positive reception so far. However, they recently announced that they have acquired a new partner to make their dreams come true with General Motors and the latest Cadillac brand.

Although this news received a lot of publicity all over the worldAll this did not impress Horner and quite a few other team chiefs. “Look, Andretti is a great brand, a great team. Mario, what he’s done in Formula 1 as a great American. Obviously GM and Cadillac are going to be great brands in the sport and I don’t think that’s debatable, but as with all of these things, Then the question is who will pay for it? We can assume that the teams, if they see that they are the ones paying for it, may have their payments reduced because of this, then of course it wouldn’t be very good with them,” Horner assessed the situation.

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“The two teams (McLaren and Alpine) that they support have a partnership in the US. On the one hand, the other eight teams are thinking why we should dilute our share of the prize money? On the other side, there is Liberty Media, who will not pay more for it because they are satisfied with the current line-up. 10 teams, which is more than acceptable for them from a competitive and operational point of view, logistics, garages etc. I’m sure they prefer the Audi model they come here looking to buy an existing franchise in. As always, it’s about It’s about money.” Team leader continued.

It’s all about money

According to Horner, the main thing is that the participating stables have a solid financial base, and this does not help if they do not increase their income with the arrival of a new team, but at the same time he expressed his opinion on the reaction. from FIA. While F1 management and teams have remained more cautious with Andretti, the FIA ​​has certainly been pleased about their shared interest in the GM brand.

“This point of view could apply to any team, so it is irrelevant in that way. As I said, it would be great to have the Andretti brand, its name and Cadillac in Formula 1, and hopefully a solution can be found. The FIA’s opinion can be understood too, As this has no financial consequences on their part, as they do not participate in the prize pool and will receive an additional entry fee if more teams come in. So it is understandable that the FIA ​​might want to see more teams on the grid, but they would have to agree with commercial rights holder and the Concorde 2026 deal appears to be the right vehicle to do so.”

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