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Indicator – Economy – Due to the economic recession, more and more Hungarian families need help

Indicator - Economy - Due to the economic recession, more and more Hungarian families need help

The RTL news program reports that the prices of products in Hungarian stores have risen to such an extent that even those families who previously helped others with their donations through charitable services are asking for help.

Zsófia Dobis-Lucski, communications officer for the Hungarian Correctional Charity Service, said families are very afraid they will not be able to pay High utility billsThey also fear that they will not be able to solve the problem of shopping, because they will not have enough money left to buy food.

Other organizations are also finding that they are needed more than ever this winter. “In many cases, families who have been our donors before are asking for help,” he said. for RTL Christoph Ganks, Communications Director for Ecumenical Aid.

“Many people ask for help with heating, or even ask for food packages to save money,” added Christoph Ganks.

Reciprocity is a big problem in all areas of life, incl sports No exception. in Szeged And many institutions are closed, but prof Ervin Szabo Library He also fights to survive. And the streak can go on for a long time.