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Index – Technical Science – Artificial intelligence outperforms humans in another game

Index - Technical Science - Artificial intelligence outperforms humans in another game

DeepMind’s new AI, DeepNash, can beat almost any human player at Stratego.

Stratego is a strategy board game based on an old French game that was patented in the Netherlands in 1948. In it, two players fight against each other with 40-40 pieces, and the goal is to capture the flag of the other side. The player cannot know the opponent’s piece, so one of the goals is to deduce the identity of the pieces. This makes the game more complex than any other. 10 in Go, which is more complex than poker and chess360 Possible position, at the same time 10 in Stratego535.

DeepNash has gotten so into the game that it is ranked among the top three players on the largest online strategy platform. The AI ​​has developed an unfathomable strategy and uses diversionary actions and feints to confuse the opponent.

This is the strategy board

Photo: Zizou Mann / Wikipedia

Vincent de Boer – Former World Stratego Champion SciencesOne of the authors of an article published in — said DeepNash surprised him because he had one in front of him artificial discountHe hadn’t even come across a game that would come close to humans in terms of game skills.

(futuristicAnd the Wikipedia)