A fact-checking daily count of the number of times Joe Biden has made a “false or misleading” statement in his speeches, interviews, or Twitter posts since his inauguration. According to the investigation, the US President made a false or misleading statement totaling 67 times.
That might sound like a lot at first, but it’s still a small part of Donald Trump’s performance four years ago. He made a total of 511 such statements during the first 100 days of his presidency.
Moreover, this pales in front of the fact that Trump made a false or misleading statement totaling nearly 30,500 times in four years. They write that he set the daily peak the day before last year’s election, November 2, when he made a total of 504 false statements in one day.
The newspaper also reported that Biden used 40% fewer words in the first 100 days of his ruling compared to Trump, and is also posting much less on Twitter than he does. In his speeches, he appears more cautious and less spontaneous, a haste often seen in Trump’s tweets.
They also indicated that Biden had a total of two statements that could realistically be refuted. In the other cases, the Washington Post wrote, it was simply excessive or inaccuracy.