According to the European Union Office, life expectancy rose in all EU member states in the period studied between 2013 and 2023, with the exception of Malta (-0.4 years) and Sweden (-0.1 years), as well as Germany, where this indicator remained. No change.
In five EU countries, the average age of the population has risen by at least 4 years. These countries include Portugal, where this indicator increased by 4.4 years, followed by Greece, Spain, Slovakia and Italy, where the increase amounted to 4 years.
Among EU member states, the average age of the population was highest in Italy (48.4 years) and lowest in Cyprus (38.4 years). The average age of the population in Hungary will be 44.2 years in 2023, according to data from the European Union Statistical Office, which is 0.1 percent higher than in 2013.
The proportion of the EU population aged 65 and over has risen by 5.7% in ten years, from 27.7% in 2013 to 33.4% by 2023. Most older people live in Portugal (38%) and Italy and Finland (both 37.8%). The lowest rates are in Luxembourg (21.5%), Ireland (23.2%), and Cyprus (24.7%). In the case of Hungary, this indicator reached 31.6 percent in 2023, up from 25.1 percent in 2013.
Compared to 2013, the proportion of people aged 65 and over is higher in Poland (+10.4%), Bulgaria (+9.2%) and Croatia (+9.0%), and lowest in Luxembourg (+1.3%) and in Malta. (+2 percent) and Austria (+2.8 percent) – the European Union Statistical Office report revealed.