Cultural sites in Europe are struggling to survive. Theaters in Madrid are in a better condition than those in other parts of Spain. Every year in June since June, about a hundred people have seen Don Giovanni’s show at the Madrid Opera House. A total of € 1 million was spent to make the venue as safe as possible for the viewers.
“I feel completely safe because I see the rules being followed,” one woman said.
“Everyone has a mask and a lot of empty chairs,” said one man. “That’s enough safety.”
The band members are separated from the spectators by plexiglass, and some seats near the stage have been removed to increase the size of the playing area so the musicians can move away from each other, providing plenty of space for the actors as well. In addition, musicians and actors must adhere to strict health rules.
Baritone Christopher Maltman said: “We are tested regularly and we are expected to act responsibly, to meet a few people, and not go to many places, to try to live safely.”
Unlike Madrid, in Paris, which prefers to call itself the home of culture, cinemas, theaters, operas and concert halls remain closed. The artists feel that the state does not care about them.
“Looking at what is happening in Spain, where cinemas and operas have reopened since March, I feel that no one is watching us. Jean-Michel Ribes, director of the Theater du Ronde Point in Paris, said they promised to discuss the situation with professional organizations, but nothing happened.
But the example of France is not unique. Cinemas and theaters are closed in many European countries, including Hungary. However, it is not known how many of these things will remain permanently closed.