Today, agricultural roads on Vaskereszetes and Völksatsátár hills have also been renovated.

“For a long time, we looked at our neighbors with envy for messing up the agricultural roads of Váshigi. Today, however, it is possible to travel comfortably on the restored roads even on the Vaskereszetes and Völksatsátár hills ”- He writes Chaba Hind, Member of Parliament, on his Facebook page.

Then Csaba Hende concluded it

We almost caught up with the Austrians! “

The last time we wrote about Csaba Hende when he visited Finland. The former Minister of National Defense discussed Finland’s accession to NATO and the rule of law in Helsinki. Hind traveled first to Sweden and then to Finland at the head of the Hungarian “debate” delegation.

See also  USA - Nyugati Fini announced serious restrictions affecting Hungary only


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Finn speaks on negotiating with Chapa Hendi: It wasn't superfluous

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Matti Vanhanen also confirmed that the Hungarian side did not set any conditions for approving the application for accession.

László Iván Nagy: Hungarian wine goes north

Laszlo Ivan Nagyhvg360

Until now, the Swedes and Finns only thought that we were evil despots, and now they know for sure that they are complete idiots. The latest “foreign policy” achievement of the Hungarian consumer manufacturer M1 is that the Csaba Hende delegation presented a complex entertainment product to northern governments and journalists, and we can only be glad that they are finally laughing at us abroad, but they are not. Do it in agony. opinion.