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Do you know these Netflix tricks?

Do you know these Netflix tricks?

It has been over a year since Netflix became available in Hungarian in Hungary, and the streaming service has been gathering users ever since. One of the great benefits of the platform is that it can be used on smartphones, tablets, mobile phones, and even browsers. In the latter case, there are “tricks” that can only be thrown with keys, and are now combined into a package.

From today, Netflix is ​​finally Hungarian

The world’s leading streaming service has been waiting for users with a Hungarian front since midnight, and the company has also shifted to a higher level in Hungarian content than before.

Play and pause

Water is boiling in the kettle, the need is unrelenting, the neighbor is knocking for sugar, is the dog really scratching the door? In such situations, looking for a mouse (you can hide as if you were alive) or looking for a STOP button on the touchpad is very annoying. Fortunately, it can be solved more easily. Just press the spacebar or ENTER and you can pause or restart the display. So the short breaks are no longer so bothersome.

Full screen on and off

Nobody watches Netflix in a small window, but the current show might remind us of something. The feeling is familiar when you have to describe the wonderful Quesadilla recipe that A. From the chef’s officeAre they talking in? Or when you start watching Parachute AcademyNeed to look at the comics the series is based on? The list of distractions is endless. Fortunately, you don’t have to search for the full screen icon right away to minimize the window – just hit the F key and it can be replaced. Even if you are in a dark room and the keyboard is not lit, you can still easily find ESC, which also turns off full screen.

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Roll back and forth

What can’t we do with movies in the cinema or watch TV on Netflix? Of course: it’s about spinning back and forth! The butter As you watched lose spinning, who did what with who and when? Click, you’re already scrolling back to the conversation or scene you’re looking for – and it’s finally clear which of the three parallel timelines you’re looking for right now. Press and hold the left or right arrow until you reach the scene you are looking for.

Sound and mute

Electronic hardware manufacturers do a lot for customer convenience: Many laptops also get volume buttons. But Netflix also has its own solution. For example, the ability to mute movies or series without losing notification sounds from your computer. Netflix volume can be adjusted using the keyboard: the up arrow increases the volume, the down arrow decreases, and the M key mutes the movie completely.

Skip the title

Do you like watching the headlines at the beginning of the movies? Some people very much. The introduction engages them in the atmosphere, the world of the series. However, most of us want to know right away what’s next, and we’d like to skip the introduction. Netflix also offers some simplification for this case: Just press the S key! Moreover, skip headlines can be turned on in the profile settings.

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