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De Vries ready, cut – that’s what happened today



Thursday, November 10, 2022, 9:42 pm


Lando Norris ill, suspended Pierre Gasly ban, Ferrari trying to climb again, sprints facing overhaul, Zingo running in mountains of trouble: We rounded up Thursday’s main news in one package.

Lando Norris missed Thursday’s press release at the F1 Sao Paulo Grand Prix, likely due to food poisoning. Although McLaren expects the Briton to do well on Friday, the team is also prepared to be replaced by Nick de Vries if necessary – We’ve written about the details here.

Max Verstappen spoke again to Sky Sports, from consider it closed The weekend channel boycott began in Mexico two weeks ago.

Meanwhile, according to his colleague Sergio Perez Everything is given to win in Brazil – On top of that, Verstappen said that too will help him Reaching second place in the tournament. On the other hand, the Red Bull consultant described it as illogical that during the season it was possible to develop the car for the Dutch, unlike the Mexican – We wrote more about this here.

However, Ferrari will also have a say in the ongoing battle for victory at Interlagos: Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz claim their Mexico City feud was just a one-time derailment. The optimistic statement from Monaco and the Spaniard can be read here.

With regard to Pierre Gasly, the ban due to penalty points also appeared as a topic on the media day: the Frenchman Alftauri described the situation as embarrassing and uncomfortable, and at the same time urged changes – Which his competitors also agreed to.

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With the São Paulo Grand Prix being the last fast-paced weekend race in Formula 1 this year, criticism has come of the format as well. And it may not be without consequences, as they are said to have considered making Saturday’s short races independent events from 2023 – We wrote about this and Verstappen’s opinion here.

There has already been news regarding next season’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix at the end of the season: that the new Formula 2 champion, Filip Drogovic, after last week’s test with last year’s car He also has the opportunity to train for free from Aston Martin.

Also in the press was the news that Michael Schumacher’s ex-Ferrari was sold for a record amount – details:

Meanwhile, of course, events took place in other series, and from a Hungarian point of view, this is especially true of WTCR, where for a while in Bahrain it was questionable whether we would ever watch the loud cobras over the weekend after Rob Hof pulled out. . Zoltán Zengő talked about the cause of the problems here.

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