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Over 20 years of work, the salary of nurses may increase by 260,000 HUF.

State Minister for Health Petr Takács promised a total wage increase of HUF 260,000 at a forum on Thursday for nurses who have worked for 20 years – Zoltan Balogh, President of the Chamber of Health Professionals, told RTL Hírado about this.

Instead of the current 390,000 HUF, their total salary will thus be 650,000 HUF, which, according to Balogh, could be an increase on a historical scale if realized. The only question is what will happen to the others:

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The government office illegally threatens general practitioners with fines and having their licenses revoked. Although Minister of State Petr Takács referred in vain to the Law on Call Work, according to the Vice-President of the Confederation of Hungarian Doctors with a Legal Degree, there is a legal contradiction.

According to Zsombor Kunetz, the admission of failure is that the government is distributing nearly 1 billion forints between family doctors and dentists.

Andras DomaniEconomy

A decree on compensatory support for general practitioners and dentists was published in the Hungarian Gazette. According to analyst Zsombor Kunetz, this is an acknowledgment of the failure of the healthcare transition.

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„Ostobaság, öngól", ha a kormány fenyegetve akarja rávenni az orvosokat az ügyeletre

Jogszerűtlenül fenyegeti a kormányhivatal pénzbírsággal és a működési engedélyük bevonásával a háziorvosokat. Takács Péter államtitkár hiába hivatkozik az ügyeleti munkáról szóló jogszabályra, a Magyar Orvosok Szakszervezetének jogász végzettségű alelnöke szerint jogi ellentmondás áll fenn.