“It was like Alex Trebek headed in my direction,” he told CNN Anderson Cooper on Monday’s “Full Circle” show! “What a thrill!”
Cooper, who has said he’s been a fan of the show since his high school years, admitted he was also “confused” about Trebek when he was first on “Celebrity Jeopardy.” He wanted to go to lunch with Trebek just to be in his presence.
Although both men admitted to being starred, it was a sense of humility that they both noticed Trebek.
“Trebeek was really the perfect host,” Cooper said. “He was smart, he was funny when called, he was fit, he was confident enough to know he didn’t need to put on a show about him.”
Marin agreed, adding that Trebek has a way to make you “feel good, even if you look stupid at times.”
The range of offer has expanded far beyond the competitors. Cooper said that Jeopardy and its host since 1984 have crossed all divisions to bring people together.
“It is an institution that teaches the value of the pursuit of knowledge and makes this pursuit enjoyable,” he said.
Although Marin was responsible for one of Cooper’s two losses during his four appearances in “Celebrity Jeopardy!” The show still brings them together.
Cooper told Marin, “I still want a rematch – someday, somehow.”