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A New Zealand team will also enter Formula 1 – with a female driver

A New Zealand team will also enter Formula 1 – with a female driver


Thursday, May 4, 2023, 1:11 p.m

Headquarters outside Europe, his own motorcycle, junior teams, women’s competition – this is what businessman David Dekker promises, who will take Rodin Carlin to the world championships.

An official announcement was made on Wednesday that an Asian team called LKY SUNZ will submit a formal application to the FIA ​​to join Formula 1 from 2025 or 2026. Now another interested party has emerged that hasn’t been mentioned in public discourse yet – the common feature is that it’s another applicant Not resident in Europe.

The name of the Australian entrepreneur David Dekker, who is interested in the technology sector, does not say much in motorsports. Rodin Carlin was more interested in Formula 2 and lower classes. In 2016, Dekker founded Rodins Cars in New Zealand which builds private racing cars out of passion. The billionaire bought himself into the Carlin stable this year. The team is interested in different levels of Formula racing, and even participates in the new women’s series, F1 Academy – from the 2023 season under the name Rodin Carlin.

In an interview with Motor Sport Magazine, Dekker revealed his next ambitious goal: to start a Formula 1 team. According to the team’s promise, it will have two special advantages: it will not be based in Europe and the driver’s seat will be given to the female driver.

“We will manufacture the entire car here and guarantee that one of the seats will be reserved for a female driver. We will be the only team with a full rookie programme, covering all the way from F4 to F2. A lot of people will be interested in a New Zealand-based team. He would do a lot for Formula 1,” Decker told the newspaper.

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It will be headquartered in Mount Lyford – where the Rodin Cars plant is located, where the FZED single-seater and the FZERO supercar with its own V10 engine are currently being produced. Decker’s ambitious goal is to produce not only the body of the car, but also its own engine.

$500 million is available

“I’ve been thinking about it for months, stumbling over whether or not to apply,” Decker said in the interview, suggesting the plan isn’t solid. The FIA ​​has extended the application deadline from the end of April to May 15, so there is only a week and a half left, and the arbitration deadline is June 30, when it will be decided whether a new team will enter F1 in all, and if so, which one. .

“I can’t imagine us succeeding,” said the team owner aware of the realities of Formula 1. Nevertheless, there is $ 500 million in capital available to start the team (Dickers Data made $ 1.6 billion in profit last year alone), they have a factory in New Zealand, they are going to make their own engine and expand Formula 1 geographically: according to Dickers, that’s why in that their offer may be attractive – additionally because of the female competitor.

David Decker and Jamie Chadwick

Jamie Chadwick as Formula 1 driver Rodin Carlin

There is an obvious candidate for the aforementioned female driver: Jamie Chadwick, who is a three-time W Series champion who is not only the most successful female Formula One driver currently, but also has a relationship with Dekker – we reported in 2020 that the businessman and Rodin Cars started sponsoring the British lady.

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According to Decker, he would be happy to put Chadwick in the car. There is one stubborn hurdle that stands in the way of this – and the female pilot’s plan in general – the superlative license points. Despite his success in the W Series, Chadwick does not have enough units. Of course, she or any pilot should have enough license points not now, but when she joins the team, that is, in 2025 at the earliest – but the good promise can be felt to be standing on shaky legs.

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